
Use Case
Financial Institutions,
Marketing & Customer Success


Increasing advertising effectiveness & boosting customer satisfaction


ING Bank is a leading European universal bank. Its products include savings accounts, payments, investments, loans, and mortgages in most of its retail markets. Customer experience is what differentiates ING Bank from its competitors and the enterprise is constantly innovating to strengthen its offering. ING also partners with other businesses to bring disruptive ideas to market faster. 

The Challenges

In Poland, ING Bank’s website serves 4.4 million retail customers, in addition to over half a million corporate clients. The enterprise offers a wide range of products and services to a diverse audience, making it challenging to serve customers effectively. 

CADV.AI requires no intervention or integration on the servers' side. It works by placing short JavaScript code on the pages. It can be placed directly, or, for example, through a tool like Google Tag Manager. 

JavaScript, when run on the displayed page, allows you to: 

  • monitor and analyse customer behavior on web pages, 

  • invoke defined actions in response to Customer actions, 

  • interact with other systems operating on the website. 

When, during a monitored web session, the client's behavior on the site matches a defined business rule in CADV.AI, an action will be triggered in response to this behavior. In the case of ING Bank, the following actions were defined and used: 

  • redirection of the client's browser to any web page defined by the business, 

  • segmentation of customers based on interest in selected products, 

  • presentation of banners with offers tailored to selected customer segments, 

  • presentation of seasonal offers. 

The Solution

By implementing CADV.AI, ING was able to group its website visitors according to their unique needs and preferences. This allowed the enterprise’s marketing and customer service teams to effectively target its audience groups with tailored advertising, product offers, support, and messaging.

The Results

ING experienced an increase in website conversions and customer satisfaction scores as a result of utilising CADV.AI. CADV.AI became an excellent addition to the CMS functionality used by ING Bank. As a further result of using CADV.AI, information about ING’s customer segments was transferred in real-time to the enterprise’s other systems, enhancing the bank’s operational performance.